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Enrico Bonadio

Enrico Bonadio

Enrico BonadioEnrico Bonadio is Lecturer in Law at The City Law School City University London where he teaches Intellectual Property Law and EU Law. He holds a PhD in International and EU law from the University of Florence. He is Associate Editor and Intellectual Property Correspondent of the European Journal of Risk Regulation. Enrico is Solicitor of England and Wales (non practicing) in addition to being an Italian-qualified Avvocato. He practiced as Intellectual Property attorney for several years in top-tier international law firms. He regularly publishes and lectures in the field of international and European intellectual property law. He recently published a book on TRIPs Agreement and genetic resources (Jovene, 2008) and several articles in academic journals, including European Intellectual Property Review, International Trade Law and Regulation and European Journal of Risk Regulation. He is Visiting Professor in European Intellectual Property Law at Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 and expert for IP-related seminars organized by the European Commission – DG Enlargement (Taiex program). He also lectures International Law at the Naval Academy of Leghorn and IP law at the LLM in Intellectual Property offered by WIPO and the University of Turin. Enrico received his degree in Law from Pisa Law School in 1999. He then attended the Post-Graduate Course in International Trade Law (jointly organised by the University Institute of European Studies of Turin and the International Labour Oragnization), as well as the Specialization Course in Intellectual Property (jointly organised by WIPO and the University of Turin). He is member of AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle), ATRIP (International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property), IPI (Intellectual Property Institute), LES (Licensing Executives Society), ESIL (European Society of International Law), BILA (British Italian Law Association) and The Law Society of England and Wales.

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