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Law and technology – Turin

Schermata 2015-11-22 A 15.33.29

Schermata 2015-11-22 a 15.33.29


David Bevilacqua (Cisco)

Myriam Bianco (Nexa Center)

Massimo Durante (University of Turin)

Luciano Floridi (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford)

Ugo Pagallo (University of Turin)

Enrico Scarrone (Telecom Italia, Vice Chair Chairman of the Steering Committee of oneM2M (representing ETSI), and Vice Chair ETSI TC smartM2M)

Yung Shin Van Der Sype (KU Leuven)

Andrea Stazi (Google)

Monica Steffen Guise Rosina (FGV S. Paolo, Brazil)

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