Call for Papers – International Conference “A Digital Europe for Citizens”
Call for Papers – International Conference “A Digital Europe for Citizens”
The Faculty of Law of the University of Porto and CIJ – Centre for Legal Research – FDUP are honoured to announce the opening of the call for papers for the International Conference “A Digital Europe for Citizens“, which will be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, on 14 April 2023 (Friday).
The Conference, which is part of the project – Jean Monnet Module A Digital Europe for Citizens. Constitutional and Policymaking Challenges – will count with Professor Oreste Pollicino, founding partner of IAIC, as keynote speaker and is structured in 3 (three) panels subordinated to the analysis of the most recent European regimes concerning data governance, digital markets and digital services, in the light of a comparative analysis, for which the conference will count with the participation of national and international speakers.
Those interested in submitting an abstract should do so until next February 24th and, to do so, should consult the section “More Information” bellow, and respect the deadlines and requirements foreseen. The decision of acceptance will be communicated afterwards, according to the terms mentioned in “More Information”.
For more information click here