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Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Privacy and Data Protection

Executive summary Artificial intelligence and robotics are increasingly a reality and also present in the political agenda.

Due to the interest of the topic, it is being discussed in the ICDPPC 2016. Some people may claim it is too early to start discussing artificial intelligence and robotics but we can see the applications of artificial intelligence and robotics already and the data protection authorities need to start discussing them and developing a position.

We need to adopt a realistic approach, neither luddite nor evangelical. A proper consideration will not slow down innovation but provide sound foundations for these technological developments.

By default the data protection framework is mainly applicable to controllers, few provisions apply to the whole artificial intelligence/robotics ecosystem: Data protection by design and by default can only be a reality if all the actors involved apply data protection principles. This is a background document to stimulate and contribute to the discussion within the closed session of the ICDPPC 2016.

Read the document:

31 ottobre 2016

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