La Commissione Europea ha avviato una consultazione pubblica nell’ambito dell’iniziativa GreenData4All, con l’obiettivo di raccogliere…
Berec and its counterparts of Emerg, Eapereg and Regulatel discussed the connectivity challenges

BEREC and its counterparts from EaPeReg (Eastern Europe), REGULATEL (South America) and EMERG (Mediterranean and North African countries) met in Cascais (Portugal), for the high level BEREC-EMERG-EaPeReg-REGULATEL Summit aimed at addressing the main challenges deriving from ensuring connectivity in a convergent world. The meeting has been hosted by the Portuguese Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
The debate was based on three sessions, addressing the following topics:
– Connectivity: Investments in ultra-high capacity networks and bridging the digital gap
– Mobile connectivity: spectrum issues
– End users rights in connected world: net neutrality challenges
At the end of the Summit the participants adopted a joint declaration, which can be consulted here.
Participants agreed that holding this joint Summit was a fundamental opportunity to promote the needed regulatory dialogue, based on fair and added valued discussions. Building upon the already existent cooperative liaisons and noting the financial support provided by the European Commission to EMERG and EaPeReg, this Summit recognized the benefit of promoting permanent initiatives of cooperation celebrated between BEREC and its counterparts of EMERG, EaPeReg and REGULATEL. The success of the Summit will ensure to frame future common initiatives, such as promoting joint working groups, information sharing and maintaining this high level regulatory dialogue through future meetings.