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China, National People’s Congress adopted “The General Provisions of the Civil Law”

After four times of deliberation, on the morning of 15 March, the Fifth Session of the 12th National People’s Congress adopted by vote the General Provisions of the Civil Law. On the afternoon of the day, the full text of the General Provisions of the Civil Law was published at The law contains 206 articles in 11 chapters, which will become effective on 1 October 2017.
The General Provisions of the Civil Law stipulates the basic civil legal system, including the basic principles of the civil law, the civilsubject, civil rights, civil legal act, civil liability and statute of limitations, sets up the basic framework of China’s civil legal system, and lays foundation for compiling the Civil Code.
After the adoption of the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the specific provisions on the contract, ownership and other property rights, and civil liability in the existing General Principles of The Civil Law will be further coordinated and integrated systematically in compiling the separate volumes of the Civil Code.
After the adoption of the General Provisions of the Civil Law, the General Principles of The Civil Law will not be annulled. If there is any inconsistency between the two laws, according to the principle of “new laws being superior to old ones”, the provisions of the General Provisions of the Civil Law shall govern”.