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Human genomics and surrogate motherhood: legal pluralism and the circulation of models

Di Andrea Stazi, professore associato di Diritto comparato e di Diritto delle nuove tecnologie presso l’Università Europea di Roma, dove dirige l’InnoLawLab e coordina il Master in Intelligenza Artificiale.
The evolution of knowledge on biogenetic processes, the decoding of the human genome and many other living species, the new discoveries about the interactions between genes and the functioning of DNA allow today unprecedented application developments.
The circulation of reproductive materials and surrogate motherhood, with the related problems regarding the exploitation of the human body, and genome modification interventions, with the consequent doubts regarding the impact on health and evolution, touch the very essence of the human being and therefore find different answers in the various legal systems.
From a comparative point of view, the phenomena that emerge are those of legal pluralism and the circulation of models, as expressions of the necessary relationship between multidimensional but complementary tools that can operate according to the cases in a contrasting or subsidiary way.
In this scenario, the most complex challenges to face are those of balancing fundamental rights and the effectiveness of the forecasts and tools adopted, to protect the “good of human life” today more at stake than ever.
Clicca qui per leggere e scaricare il saggio, pubblicato sul nuovo fascicolo della rivista Comparative Law Review vol. 9/2, disponibile in open access cliccando qui.