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Innovators’ Key Points to G7 leaders

The I-7 group met and discussed for a day the multiple challenges that innovation poses and cannot be faced only at national level. As a result Innovators have identified a set of Key Points, putting people at the heart of any technological advancement and making innovation a source of well-being for the whole mankind.
“Governments need to understand the changing size, scope and shape of the digital economy if they are to maximize the opportunities available, and respond appropriately”, – as written in the Chair’s Summary of the I-7 “Leaders recognized the importance that a stricter dialogue among innovation key stakeholders would have in order not only to provide the G7 with the most appropriate endorsement to their policies, but with first‐hand insights on innovation issues too.”
The I-7 concentrated their work on three parallel sessions, whose results are available on the links below:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI). How can AI help governments make better decisions and deliver policies and services more effectively?
- Big Data: from regulation to active management. How can a more proactive approach to Big Data lead to smarter countries?
- The changing nature of society: the future of work. How could innovation help deal with upcoming social and demographic changes?
“By becoming model users, Governments can tap the unprecedented opportunities offered by digital innovation to develop policies and create new services with a positive impact not only on their citizens’ well-being and the job market but also on the innovation ecosystem as a whole”, – as you can read in the Chair’s Summary – “Technological innovation should give us hope, not despair. If history is a guide, the march of innovation should give every human more opportunity, not less, therefore we need to take concerted actions.”
In the Article 7 of ICT and industry Ministers’ declaration, G7 takes note of theChair’s Summary presented by Diego Piacentini at the closing session of the ICT and Industry Multistakeholder Conference.
“We embrace multi-faceted and multistakeholder approaches and we welcome the meeting of the “Strategic Advisory Board to G7 Leaders on People-Centered Innovation” (I-7), held in Torino on September 25th under the Italian Presidency. We take note of the Chair’s Summary of the dialogue between the G7 governments and stakeholders in innovation.”
Article 58 of G7 ICT and industry Ministers’ declaration describes the spirit and the work of the I-7 group, in the section called “Going forward”: “A new window of opportunity is opening before us. The technologies offered by the Next Production Revolution and underpinned by digital infrastructures and capabilities hold out the promise of yielding a better future for our citizens. We are determined to work together in advancing our common goals to promote inclusiveness, openness and security in the digitally connected era. To that end we will continue to engage with each other to address the policy approaches set out in the Declaration and annexes. We thank Italy for its leadership this year and acknowledge the value that the multistakeholder process and the I-7 have yielded by providing valuable inputs and contributions to our debate.
Responding to the call from our Leaders, we look forward to the discussions of the Science and Employment Ministers meetings later this week, to jointly achieve comprehensive and forward-looking outcomes in the G7 Innovation Week. We take note of the work in the domain of taxation taking place in the Finance Ministers’ track. We look forward to further our dialogue and cooperation under Canada’s Presidency in 2018 and to discussing common priorities and actions to secure our future.“
The I-7 group, also, declared in its Chair Summary, “We, the I-7, would also stand ready to support the incoming Canadian G7 Presidency. The I-7 also believe that the main stakeholders of the innovation will benefit as well.”