Si è svolto il 20 gennaio 2025 il primo incontro che ha dato avvio alla…
Memorandum of Understanding between the European Data Protection Board and the European Data Protection Supervisor
Purrpose of this document
1. Independent data protection authorities in the European Union are cooperating in a spirit of trust, good faith and collegiality.
2. The General Data Protection Régulation (EU Régulation 679/2016, hereinafter ‘GDPR’) reinforces the termsforthis coopération by the création of a new European body, the European Data Protection Board (hereinafter ‘EDPB’), to be composed of ail national supervisory authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor (hereinafter ‘EDPS’).
3. The EDPB is an EU body with légal personality that acts independently (Article 69.1 of the GDPR) when performing the tasks described in Articles 70 and 71 of the GDPR. Article 51 of the Data Protection Directive (hereinafter ‘DPD’) and other relevant applicable EU law.
4. The EDPS is an independent EU supervisory authority with légal personality that acts in complété independence in the performance of its duties (Articles 41.1 and 44.1 of Régulation 45/20013). The EDPS is recognised as an EU institution in the Financial Régulation applicable to the général budget of the Union and its rules of application and therefore benefits from budgetary autonomy. The tasks of the EDPS are defined in Régulation 45/2001 (Articles 41.2 and 46).