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The Oxford Italian Association: Clara Florio Cooper Memorial Bursaries

The Oxford Italian Association 

Clara Florio Cooper Memorial Bursaries

The Oxford Italian Association invites applications for open bursaries set up by family, friends and colleagues to commemorate the life and work of Clara Florio Cooper (1947-2004).  This year it is intended to offer two annual awards out of a total sum of £1,500. 

The judges are free to divide this, as in previous years, into two larger bursaries of £600 each plus up to three smaller top-up grants (of £100), but they are also free to divide the sum in a different way depending on the quality of applications received. 

The large bursaries are intended to promote graduate research into aspects of Italian culture (including, for instance, travel to consult manuscripts in Italian archives).  The smaller top-up grants are intended for graduates specifically based in Oxford and working on Italian culture.

Applications should include a brief curriculum vitae, preferably with an e-mail contact address, an outline of the research proposed (on no more than one page of A4), and a letter of support from the applicant’s supervisor, and should be sent to Dr Dante Ceruolo, Language Centre, 12 Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HT.  The closing date is 30 April 2017.

10 marzo 2017

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