Call for Paper Italian Society of Law and Economics
The Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE - SIDE) welcomes submissions of papers on any topic regarding the Economic Analysis…
The Italian Society of Law and Economics (ISLE - SIDE) welcomes submissions of papers on any topic regarding the Economic Analysis…
Cambiamenti culturali, normativi e nuovi trend nel Paese 17 settembre ore 9.00 - 13.00 Roma Eventi - Fontana di Trevi…
VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, the first peer-reviewed multi-media e-journal in the field of television studies, devotes…
Forum Pa Call4ideas 2015 - Startup e Startupper per la PA digitale è un’iniziativa promossa da FORUM PA in collaborazione con…
Istanbul Bilgi University Jean Monnet Chair of European Union political and administrative studies invites 4th year ba students, ma students and phd…
Consulta il programma
With this call, CEPS would like to select 33 young European scholars and professionals to participate in the Ideas Lab…
Vi segnaliamo gli eventi e le date di maggiore rilievo dei prossimi giorni in materia di diritto, mercato e nuove…
The Call for Proposals is open, submit before April 17 Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a massive, high quality open…
La Rivista internazionale di Informatica Giuridica "Ciberspazio e Diritto", edita dalla casa modenese Mucchi e giunta al 15esimo anno di…