“Le tecnologie digitali tra regolazione pubblica e autonomia privata” – Conference
3 February 2023, 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
On 3 February, Professor Giusella Finocchiaro, founding partner of IAIC, will partecipate in the event “Le tecnologie digitali tra regolazione pubblica e autonomia privata”, a conference organized to present the volume “Protezione dei dati personali e nuove tecnologie”, edited by Adelina Adinolfi and Andrea Simoncini. The event, organized by the Law School of the Università degli Studi di Firenze in partnership with Fondazione CR Firenze, will be structured in three sessions, respectively focused on: fundamental principles and rights whitin the regulation of digital technologies, data protection and digital markets, the digital transformation and the regulation of technologies. Professor Finocchiaro will join the second session, examining the GDPR application in the italian system.