Il report della campagna 2024 di drive test sulle prestazioni delle reti mobili, pubblicato oggi…
Abuse of economic dependence and competition law remedies: a sound interpretation of the Italian Regulation

Di seguito l’abstract di “Abuse of economic dependence and competition law remedies: a sound interpretation of the Italian Regulation“, contributo pubblicato dalla Prof.ssa Valeria Falce sull’ultimo numero della European Competition Law Review: The Italian regulation against the abuse of economic dependence has been recently strengthened with the view to combat late payment in commercial transactions through the competition law enforcement. In particular, antitrust actions and remedies have been made available within business-to-business relations any time a consistent late payment issue arises. Despite the objective justifications underlying the reform, its features may lead to unwilling consequences, that will be analyzed in the following Paper together with a proposal to interpret the novella consistently with the Italian consumer policy and competition law. 17 febbraio 2015