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International Journal of Law and Digital Society

The International Journal Law Digital Society (IJLDS) is dedicated to the latest advancements in Law applicated to the digital society, involving evolution from analogical to digital system of life regulated by law. The journal aims to bring together the researchers, lawyers, judges, academics, and practitioners in law, economy and busienss.
Topics covered include E-Commerce, Intellectual Property, Tax and Financial Law, Civil Law, E-Privacy, Cybercrimes Education, Digital Divide, IT Integration, Internet Human Rights. It encourages the exchange of the latest academic research, brings new ideas and offers practical law and digital case studies to researchers, practitioners, and doctoral students worldwide. The Journal is published biannually in June and December.
We are pleased to announce that the new open access journal International Journal of Law and Digital Society is now open for submissions.
The Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal Law Digital Society, Antonio Uricchio of University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, and an Editorial Board of international experts in the field are now considering papers for publication and welcome your submission.
IJLDS is published by ToKnowPress on behalf of University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy. No author fees are charged.
To view the Guide for Authors, and for information on how to submit your paper, please visit the journal homepage at