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The on-line journal “Diritto Mercato Tecnologia” (Law, Market, Technology) deals with issues related to market and competition, commercial practices and consumer protection, intellectual property, communications, new technologies and personal data protection.
The issues are divided into six areas: “Cultura, industria e proprietà intellettuale” (Culture, industry and intellectual property), “Mercato, concorrenza e regolazione” (Market, competition and regulation), “Pratiche commerciali e tutela dei consumatori” (Commercial practices and consumer protection), “Biotecnologie, ogm e vita” (Biotechnology, ogm and life), “Comunicazioni elettroniche, audiovisivo e garanzie” (Electronic communications, audiovisual and guaranties), “Diritti della persona e responsabilità in rete” (On-line individual  rights and responsibility). There is, moreover, an “Osservatorio di diritto comparato” (Comparative law observatory). Lastly, there are some areas with useful news concerning books, calls for paper and seminars. Another section is devoted to the contributions generated and collected within the PRIN 2010-2011 “The legal regulation of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a tool for strengthening of inclusive, innovative and secure societies ‘, coordinated by’ European University of Rome and with the participation of the universities of Bologna, Rome Tor Vergata, Naples Federico II, Second of Naples, Salerno and Benevento.
The aim of the journal, managed by a Scientific Committee and an Executive Committee, is to provide academics and stakeholders in general with materials, stimulating the debate. This aim is pursued, in particular, highlighting the preminent role of law in respect of the new and continuous developments in the fields of market and technology.

The Review adopts since 2009 a procedure of acceptance and review of manuscripts by virtue of which are published on the website of the contributions that exceed the pre-examination by the editors, as well as those admitted to the refereeing procedure, at the end of the procedure, and proceedings of the conferences that were held at the European University of Rome or in whose organization participated in the University or its faculty.
In Quaderni di Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, published since 2011, in digital format on a quarterly basis, are published exclusively essays and contributions that have passed the referee accordance with the provisions set out in the rules of refereeing (published at the web www.dimt . and that it is attached to the present), as well as conference proceedings as identified above. To date, six have been published Notebooks Law Technology Market.

The essays are published in Italian, English, German, French, Spanish.



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