Controlling the State in the Digital Era
Controlling the State in the Digital Era
Scientific Committee: Jean-Bernard Auby, Nadja Braun Binder, Dominique Custos, Giovanna de Minico, Isaac Martin Delgado, Diana-Urania Galetta, Nikolaus Marsch, Elena d’Orlando, Angelo Giuseppe Orofino, Gabriella Racca, Hicham Rassafi-Guibal, Aleksandr Stepanov.
Metz, 23 & 24 june 2022
Registration : u2l.fr/droitetnumeriquemetz
* The names followed by an asterisk are those of authors who will be able to attend the conference
on line.
** The names followed by an asterisk are those of authors who will not be able to attend the
conference but will contribute to the book.
Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle will participate as a discussant
Thursday 23 June 2022, 10:00 – 12:00
Philippe Cossalter and Pierre Tifine
I. Digital tools for administrative action
Case studies
Diana Urania-Galetta** : Italy
Isaac Martin-Delgado*: Spain
Hélène Bégon Tavera : France
Hichamn Rassafi-Guibal : Luxembourg
Felix Schubert : Germany
Thursday 23 June 2022, 14:00 – 17:00
Nadja Braun Binder**, The fully automated administrative act: myth or reality?
Christoph Gröpl and David Karhan*, Tax administrations and digital technology: Germany.
II. The dispute of the algorithmic administrative act
Aleksandr Stepanov : On the notion of algorithmic administrative act
Gilles J. Guglielmi* : Litigation of the algorithmic administrative act in French law 1
Angelo G. Orofino : Litigation of the algorithmic administrative act in Italian law
III. Non-judicial control of digital administration
Giorgio Mancosu : Italian case study
Giovanna de Minico : Independent Authorities and Artificial Intelligence: an unreliable marriage
Friday 24 June 2022, 9:30- 12:30
IV. Liability of the digital administration
Georg Borges, Liability for autonomous systems
Gherardo Carullo*, Accountability and motivation of algorithmic decisions
V. The protection of personal data vis-à-vis the administration
Pierre Tifine, Public data, private data, personal data: reminder of the concepts
Nikolaus Marsch, The circulation of personal data within the administration
Pier Marco Rosa Salva*, Data and public contracts
Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle**, The use of personal data by the administration
Conclusion : Jean-Bernard Auby