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Towards the Metaverse A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Citizens and Machines

Towards the Metaverse A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Citizens and Machines

Towards the Metaverse A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Citizens and Machines

172 172 people viewed this event.

Tuesday, October 17th, h. 14.30-18.00 Aula Tesa 1, CFZ, Ca’ Foscari Zattere/Cultural Flow Zone


The Metaverse has become more than just a concept, emerging as one of the possible transformative forces in our digital world. The convergence of reality and virtual realm on such an unprecedented scale may mark a pivotal moment in our technological evolution. As we explore this uncharted territory, there is a pressing need to address ethical dilemmas and examine the Metaverse comprehensively. A multidisciplinary approach is imperative to confront the challenges lying ahead. It encompasses economic, legal, and technological considerations, all of which are pivotal in shaping the future of the Metaverse. One big issue is the adaptation of existing legal framework to the unique landscape of the Metaverse. ’Within this immersive digital realm, users may not only socialize and play games but also work, attend concerts, travel, and shop. The crucial question that arises is how to establish legal norms governing interpersonal interactions in this dynamic space. Moreover, the Metaverse provides unprecedented opportunities for service providers and technological manufacturers, extending also to tools employed in neuromarketing. The rise of NFTs and cryptocurrencies as viable alternatives to traditional currency within the digital realm is poised to redefine financial transactions. Artists and designers are no longer bound by the constraints of physical reality, as they take the stage across space and time. The challenge here lies in adapting conventional legal categories to regulate these emerging phenomena effectively. In the Metaverse, citizens are not just passive observers; they actively participate in this new reality, taking a step further from what we’ve seen with social media. This means we need a paradigm shift in our approach. We must balance technological progress with protecting citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms. Placing citizens at the centre of our discussions is crucial as we try to strike a balance between innovation and ethical considerations. The journey into the Metaverse calls for a new operational ethos that will define the future of this new digital frontier.



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Data e ora

17-10-2023 14:30 to
17-10-2023 18:30


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