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AIDA: Call For Papers,“Insurance Distribution Directive – Promises and Reality”
Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (AIDA) AIDA EUROPE
(VIIIth AIDA Europe Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-4/10/2019) Call For Papers:
Thematic: “Insurance Distribution Directive – Promises and Reality”
The AIDA Europe Scientific Committee, comprising of Prof. Dr. Pierpaolo Marano and Dr. Kyriaki Noussia, invites the submission of academic papers for the VIIIth AIDA Europe Conferenceto be held in Lisbon, Portugal on 3-4/10/2019.
This conference will bring legal scholars and practitioners together, so as to explore and discuss the legal and regulatory issues emerging from the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD), hence the topic of the call. Invited speakers will present papers which will provide insights into the legal developments affecting both (re)insurance communities and society in Europe. The goal is to provide information on recent developments in the implementation of the Insurance Distribution Directive, and, in doing so, to also provide a forum for debating and developing the law and policy in this newly emerging legal field.
SELECTED PAPERS from the area of the Insurance Distribution Directive will be published in a book edited by Prof. Pierpaolo Marano, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy and Dr. Kyriaki Noussia, University of Exeter, UK. The book will be included in the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation and will be published from Springer. The AIDA Europe Scientific Committee invites all academics and practitioners to submit their abstracts or prospective papers for potential selection for the book.
Scientific Committee invites students and young academics / practitioners who are no more than 35 years old, to submit their abstracts of prospective papers for potential selection for the book and the award. Three papers from any area of the IDD will be selected for award and presentation and their authors will be waived the costs of conference fees and will be awarded the costs of economy class flights plus those of 2 nights of accommodation.
We welcome theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented papers. We invite legal academics (including Ph.D. students) and legal practitioners to submit their manuscripts on a topic that explores any aspect of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD).
The intersection of the Insurance Distribution Directive with other EU Directives/Regulation, International Principles and standards, or other subjects and areas of law (e.g. risk management, actuarial, economics, accounting, sociology, real estate, criminal law, etc.) is also welcome.
Manuscripts comparing the Insurance Distribution Directive with the law of Third Countries, especially of those Countries that are deemed equivalent under the Solvency II Directive, are welcomed as well.
Manuscripts focused on national laws implementing the Insurance Distribution Directive are also invited, in case that they deal with issues that are relevant for the European Union law or the Single Market.
The deadline to submit an abstract of 2 pages for all academics, practitioners and young authors is 31/03/2019.
The deadline for submitting the completed version of the papers for young authors is
The deadline for submitting the completed version of the papers for all the other authors is 30/9/2019
The acceptance of the proposals/abstracts for all the authors will be announced by 15/4/2019. The winners of the award for young authors will be announced by 31/7/2019. Please send your submission (abstract and if selected completed paper) by email to:
- Professor Pierpaolo Marano at the e-mail address: and
- Kyriaki Noussia at the e-mail address:
AIDA EUROPE (International Association of Insurance Law) was established in 2007 as a non-profit organization with the aim of promoting, either directly or through its members, the development of insurance and related law. AIDA Europe organizes conferences, which offer a platform for an open and solution minded dialogue on key developments in the area of insurance, reinsurance and related law also supporting its members in their respective endeavours. Conferences are open to all stakeholders and are indeed attracting representatives from all areas such as the insurance sector, academia, private practice, regulatory authorities or the law making. AIDA Europe also maintains a keen focus on supporting the development of young academic talents by sponsoring academic work and by inviting young academics to its conferences. AIDA Europe Conferences represent a unique platform as they are also combined with the working meetings of the AIDA Working Parties.