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Jean Monnet Chair in EU Innovation Policy “Advanced Studies on the Intersection between Intellectual Property and Competition Law”, Call for Papers

Jean Monnet Chair in EU Innovation Policy “Advanced Studies on the Intersection between Intellectual Property and Competition Law” Organised and Hosted by European University of Rome – Via degli Aldobrandeschi 190 [12 March – 9 May – 14 May – 1 October – 8 October]
The Jean Monnet Chair in EU Innovation Policy granted at the European University of Rome will hold a series of Seminars and Workshops from March to October 2019 in Rome, on the following
Topic “Innovation Union and Collaborative Economy”
The objective of the “2018-2019 Seminar and Workshop Series” is to explore the features of the European Union’s transition towards a collaborative economy and its interplay with EU competition law and policy, by moving from the analysis of innovation principles and examining the new forms of networked innovation and innovation deals.
The aim is to analyse the forms of licensing emerging in innovative contexts – such as the circular economy – and appreciate the new role played by standards and standardisation agreements. Collaboration, in fact, is a key conduit for innovation-related knowledge both for firms highly involved in R&D activities and for those less R&D active.
Besides, innovation often arises from the interaction and cooperative efforts of different individuals and/or stakeholders devoted to the achievement of a common goal. Collaboration an networking are critical for the development of innovative skills for firms, as they build a context in which knowledge and information effectively circulate and know-how from multiple sources can be combined.
However, in order to benefit from collaboration for innovation purposes, the choice of institutional governance and of collaborative mechanisms – such as R&D alliances, joint ventures or open innovation – represents an essential decision.
In this area, one of the most sensitive issues is the development of institutional mechanisms designed specifically to create and facilitate networking for innovation. Moving from the above assumptions, the “2018-2019 Seminar and Workshop Series” will put a particular emphasis on: i) innovation value and innovation management; ii) the relationship between the type of innovators and the potential of their innovations; and iii) the opportunities and the challenges faced by universities and private organizations to bring their innovations to the market.
Submission of Papers
Scholars, PhD candidates and Researchers, as well as Stakeholders, are invited to submit DRAFT PAPERS or EXTENDED ABSTRACTS no later than January 15, 2019. Authors will be informed by February 15, 2019, by the latest, whether they have been selected for the “2018-2019 Seminars and Workshop Series”. Each paper will be evaluated by two independent reviewers.
Authors of selected papers shall submit by May 15, 2019 the final version of their contribution, that will be published on the conference website. The organisers retain the right to exclude a paper that does not meet the quality requirements set for the “2018-2019 Seminars and Workshop Series”.
Please send your submissions to Prof. Valeria Falce ( and Dr. Valerio Torti ( You will receive a confirmation of receipt within a few days from submission.
For info: Università Europea di Roma