Recupero dal Disastro e Continuità operativa. In informatica (ed in particolare nell’ambito della sicurezza informatica),…
Concurrences 2014 Thesis Award
Concurrences Journal will announce the 2014 Concurrences Award at its annual conference on 21 February 2014 in Paris at the seat of the National Assembly (see the programme on the Concurrences website).
Click here to see the conference programme
The award-winning thesis or theses will be published in the Concurrences series co-published with Bruylant. The Award also comprises an internship in a jurisdiction or a national competition authority, or in one of the law firms partners of Concurrences Journal. Law theses must concern EU competition law, law in member States, or law in States linked by cooperation agreements to the EU, as well as comparative law research with a European dimension. Only PhD theses are eligible, not Master theses. Theses can be in English or French. Eligible theses must have beeen defended between 1st January 2013 and 31 December 2013. Jury members are : Professor Christian Bovet, Université de Genève Professor Catherine Prieto, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne Mme Nathalie Homobono, Directrice Générale, DGCCRF Professor Patrick Rey, Université Toulouse Capitole A representative of a company or a law firm knowledgeable in the antitrust field
The Rules are available on the Concurrences website
Eligible theses must be received by Monday 6 January 2014, close of business.