Data Protection & Consumer Protection
March10, 2023 9.30–17.00 (CET)
Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza – Sala Conferenze (204 – II floor) (Via Ostiense 159)
The interconnections between data protection and consumer protection are growing. Increasingly EU legislation contains provisions which raise issues of possible conflicts of rules. The EU and the national courts are faced with a number of difficult cases. But especially at a practical level, businesses are not altogether sure on how to be compliant with the complex normative framework.
On the one hand there is a settled corpus of Directives and case-law on consumer protection which has developed over the last four decades. On the other hand, there is the right to individual privacy and to data protection enshrined in articles 7 and 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and which are becoming a distinctive feature of the EU vis-à-vis the rest of the world.
The Seminar wishes to investigate some of the many outstanding issues, profiting of the extremely rich experience developed over the last years in the countries which are represented in the South EU Google Data Governance Chair.