La Commissione Europea ha avviato una consultazione pubblica nell’ambito dell’iniziativa GreenData4All, con l’obiettivo di raccogliere…
Ue: call for proposals in the field of data-driven news production
The European Commission’s DG Connect manages Multimedia Actions that aim at engaging citizens in the EU policy-making process by providing them with information about European issues from a pan-European point of view i.e. showing more than only a national perspective.
Support is given for the production and dissemination of information and content, while respecting complete editorial independence.
Big data may help to increase reporting on European issues by making it easier for media companies/journalists to produce innovative and attractive content around such topics, allowing citizens to be better informed about the EU.
The current Call for Proposals aims to exploit this opportunity by supporting data-driven reporting on European issues i.e. the range of topics that are addressed by the EU.
Content can for instance make use of data research, visualise data to compare viewpoints across Europe, help audiences understand complex topics through clear and factual reporting, contextualise story timelines and/or encourage interaction with the audience.
Proposals should establish a professional editorial team with members from at least four EU Member States, to gather and produce content on a regular basis.
Proposals should involve as many media/journalists and end-users across the EU as possible, to help increase the coverage as well as the republication of content in media outlets and social media across the EU.
Applicants must indicate how they intend to generate a European perspective i.e. add value to existing reporting on EU affairs by newswires and national/regional media outlets.
The Call is open both to news reporting and more in-depth background reporting on current affairs. It is open to all types of media. The choice of formats being produced for these media should be cost-effective and in line with the news consumption habits across Europe.
The total budget available is 1.95 million Euros. The Commission intends to co-finance one, two or three proposals. The maximum co-financing rate is 75% of eligible costs.
Grant agreements will start on 1 January 2017 with a minimum duration of one year and a maximum duration of three years. Activities should start between 1 January 2017 and 1 July 2017.
Any questions for this call should be sent to the contact point referred to in the “call for proposals” document below. These questions will be published, anonymously, on this page (more information on your personal data). This page will soon also contain a model grant agreement.
25 luglio 2016