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PhD in the Interaction Between Intellectual Property Law & the Article 8 ECHR Privacy Right

Project Description
Intellectual property laws protect a variety of information-based subject matter, including creative works, trade names and logos, aspects of ‘celebrity’ image, product designs, inventions and commercially sensitive information etc. As part of the Information Rights Research Interest Group (IRRIG) and its Law & Society signature area, Northumbria University has strong, active researchers in the field of Intellectual Property law, with particular strength in the areas of copyright, privacy, breach of confidence/trade secrets and, more generally, applied legal theory.
Specific areas the department is well-placed to supervise include: the intersection between intellectual property laws (particularly copyright and confidence) and the Article 8 ECHR privacy right; the conflict between Article 8 and the Article 10 right to free expression in IP law; misuse of private information; trade secrets and the control of information, particularly in the digital age; the Article 8 privacy implications of intellectual property involved in new technologies (e.g. Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, dating apps, cloud computing, virtual reality, robots, 3D printing, machine learning, online behavioural advertising; data portability). Candidates are particularly encouraged to employ critical theoretical approaches to these issues. Empirical studies using qualitative methodologies (case studies, contractual reviews, etc.) are equally welcome.
Applications are welcome from prospective PhD students from any background who are interested in undertaking PhD-level research in relation to these specific areas.
While the decision will be made on the basis of merit, we encourage applications from gender / sexuality / ethnic minorities, as well as from people with disabilities.
Joint Supervisors
– Dr Guido Noto La Diega, Lecturer in Law (Northumbria), “cultore della materia” in Intellectual Property and Private Law (University of Palermo); President of ‘Ital-IoT’, Centre of Multidisciplinary Research on the Internet of Things
– Rebecca Moosavian, Senior Lecturer in Law
Eligibility and How to Apply
Please note eligibility requirement:
• academic excellence i.e. 2:1 (or equivalent GPA from non-UK universities [preference for 1st class honours]); or a Masters with distinction.’
• Appropriate IELTS score, if required.
For further details of how to apply, entry requirements and the application form, see
Please ensure you quote the advert reference above on your application form.
Start Date: 2 October 2017
Patents on computer-related inventions in India, in Intellectual Property Rights: Open Access, S1: 009, doi: 10.4172/2375-4516.S1-009
Contracting for the ‘Internet of Things’: Looking into the Nest, in European Journal of Law & Technology, 2016, II, 1-38 (with Ian Walden)
Uber law and awareness by design. An empirical study on online platforms and dehumanised negotiations, in Revue européenne de droit de la consommation / European journal of consumer law, 2016, II, 383-413.
Clouds of Things. Data protection and consumer law at the intersection of cloud computing and the Internet of Things in the United Kingdom, in Journal of Law & Economic Regulation, 2016, 9, 1, 69-93
UBERTRUST: How Uber Represents Itself to Its Customers Through its Legal and Non-Legal Documents, in Journal of Civil and Legal Sciences, 2016, 5, 199. doi:10.4172/2169-0170.1000199 (with Luce Jacovella)
Privacy and data protection, in The Law of Service Robots, edited by C. Artusio and M.A. Senor, Turin, 4.12.2015,
British perspectives on the Internet of Things. The Clouds of Things-Health use case, in Internet of Things: Legal Issues and Challenges towards a Hyperconnected World, Seoul, 2015, 45-99
In light of the ends. Copyright hysteresis and private copy exception after the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA) and others v Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills case, in Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 2015, II.
Striking a Balance among Security, Privacy and Competition. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 (DRIP), in Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 21-1-2015
On Porn Censorship and Liberal Ethics in the UK. Brief Notes of the Audiovisual Media Services Regulations 2014, in Diritto Mercato Tecnologia, 15-1-2015
Il cloud computing. Alla ricerca del diritto perduto nel web 3.0, in “Europa e diritto privato”, 2014, II, 577-659 (trans. Cloud Computing: In Search of Lost Law in the Web 3.0);
Cloud computing e protezione dei dati nel web 3.0, in “”, 5-4-2014 (Cloud Computing and Data Protection in the Web 3.0);
Le idee e il muro del suono. I programmi per elaboratore nella più recente giurisprudenza europea, in “Europa e diritto privato”, 2013, II, 543-596 (trans. The Ideas and the Sound Barrier. Computer Programs in the Most Recent European Case Law);
I programmi per elaboratore e i confini del diritto di autore. La Corte di Giustizia nega la tutela a funzionalità, linguaggio di programmazione e formato dei file di dati, in “Riv. dir. ec. trasp. amb.”, 2013, XI, 69-96 (trans. Computer Programs and the Boundaries of Copyright: The Court of Justice Denies Protection to Functionalities, Programming Language and Formats of Data Files).
Online behavioral advertising: regulation, self-regulation, and policy, Accepted for presentation at the 6th Annual International Conference on Law, Regulations, and Public Policy (LRPP 2017), Global Science and Technology Forum, 5-6 June 2017, Singapore
Cybersecurity, ethics, and artificial intelligence, Accepted for presentation at the QuBit Conference 2017, 4-6 April 2017, Prague
Hemispatial neglect and data protection, “Personal data in competition, consumer protection and IP law – Towards a holistic approach?”, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, 21 October 2016
‘Jigsaws & Curiosities: The Unintended Consequences of Misuse of Private Information Injunctions’ [2016] Communications Law, Vol 21(3), 104-115.
Invited contribution.
‘A Just Balance or Just Imbalance? The Role of Metaphor in Misuse of Private Information’ [2015] Journal of Media Law, Vol 7(2), 196-224.
Special edition based on ‘The Campbell Legacy’ conference (Newcastle University)
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