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Digital Single Market and Artificial Intelligence

Ai Act and Intellectual Property in the Digital Transition

Curatori:  Mario FRANZOSI, Oreste POLLICINO, Gianluca CAMPUS

Prefazione di:  Gustavo GHIDINI

Postfazione di:  Stefano LONGHINI

Autori saggio:  Cosimo ACCOTO, Michele BACCELLI, Flavia BAVETTA, Andrea BEDONI, Matilde BELLINAZZI, Mariasole BERNOCCHI, 

Massimo BERTOLOTTI, Valerio BRUNO, Ginevra BRUZZONE, Matia CAMPO, Gianluca CAMPUS, Carlo Edoardo CAZZATO, Caterina CHIARI, Leonardo CHIARIGLIONE, Gea CONDORELLI, Enrico Maria COTUGNO, Martina DANI, Giovanni DE GREGORIO, Fabrizio DI GERONIMO, Susana Irene DÍAZ RODRÍGUEZ, Roberto DINI, Stefano Matteo Antonio D’ANCONA, Stefania ERCOLANI, Francesca FIECCONI, Vincenzo FRANCESCHELLI, Mario FRANZOSI, Emanuela FURIOSI, Ciro GAGLIONE, 

Gustavo GHIDINI, Raffaele GIARDA, Marco IMPERIALE, Nicola INFANTE, Eugenio LA TEANA,  Simona LAVAGNINI, Stefano LONGHINI, Robert MAHARI, Gianluigi MARINO, Andrea MEZZETTI, Gabriella MUSCOLO, Eve O’CONNOR, Federica PAOLUCCI, Alex PENTLAND, Valentina PIOLA, Stefano PREVITI, Eugenio PROSPERETTI, Stefano QUINTARELLI, Gabriella ROMANO, Stephanie RUPP, Francesco SACCO, Mattia SALERNO, Fabrizio SANNA, Amedeo SANTOSUOSSO, Gabriele SCAFATI, Fabio SCHIERA, Andrea Cristina TASSONI, Luigi TROIANO, Gabriella VACCA, Ed WALSH, Anna Elisabetta ZIRI, Maria Teresa ZUCCHELLI

The Volume “Digital Single Market and Artificial Intelligence” explores the intersection between the digital single market and the advancements in artificial intelligence. It covers various aspects such as ethics, law, and the impact of AI on consumers and businesses. The book includes contributions from experts in the field who analyze topics like the use of AI algorithms in market balances, legal remedies for digital vulnerability, data protection, and fundamental rights in the European context. It also delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in different industries, including telecommunications, radio, healthcare, and finance. The Volume addresses the need for ethical, legal, and procedural rules for AI and examines the implications of AI on competition, consumer protection, and intellectual property. Overall, the book provides a comprehensive overview of the digital single market and the role of AI within it.
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