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Call for Proposal “OpenEd15: The Impact of Open” – Vancouver BC, November 18-20, 2015

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The Call for Proposals is open, submit before April 17

Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a massive, high quality open content infrastructure on top of which innovative people and organizations are building a new generation of educational models. Methodologically rigorous research is demonstrating that these OER-based models can be extremely effective in reducing the cost of education and improving student learning. Now that this foundation of content, practices, and research has been firmly established, the field is turning increasingly towards broadening the impact of this work. Conference Themes Keynote addresses and concurrent sessions at OpenEd15 will address the following themes: models supporting the broad adoption and use of open educational resources in formal education understanding the role of students in advocating for and supporting OER adoption and use understanding the role of faculty in advocating for and supporting OER adoption and use understanding the role of libraries in advocating for and supporting OER adoption and use connecting open educational resources to competency based education, prior learning assessment, and alternative pathways to credentials based on OER measuring the impact of openness on the cost of education and student success metrics promoting and evaluating institutional and governmental open policies and strategies designing and using open pedagogies that leverage the 5R permissions of OER democratizing the credentialing process with open badges and other alternative credentials exploring non-profit and for-profit sustainability models for OER and openness in education supporting social learning with OER the role of openness in shaping the future of education improving the quality of research in open education innovating at the bleeding edge of openness strengthening the synergies between open education and parallel work in the open data, open access, open science, and open source software movements

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