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Conferenza EPIP 2013 – The Frontiers of IP European Policy for Intellectual Property: Abstract dell’intervento di Andrea Stazi
Biotechnology patent law is aimed at operating as a sort of “law for the regulation of innovation markets”, in which the established authorities are called to “dole out” the granting and limits of exclusive rights and the uses derived from them. Patent law in general, and that of biotechnology patents in particular, though, especially in the US model, tend to hide this characteristic behind the “appearance” of technicality, are in effect instruments of public policy. The application of patent protection to the biotechnology sector has raised complex issues, both within the patent system and outside it. The regulation of biotechnological innovations, in fact, has been and still is at the center of a constant debate regarding the forms and limitations of recognition of patent protection for them. The contribution highlights that biotechnology patent regulation should ensure a proper balance between protection of investments and access to essential information for research and innovation, through a complementary integration of the technical and fundamental rights issues. Consulta il programma della Conferenza Andrea Stazi