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Indian Journal of Law and Technology: Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS: The Indian Journal of Law and Technology invited submissions for its 10th Volume due to be published in 2014 ABOUT THE JOURNAL The Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) is a student-run open-access law journal published annually by the National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India (NLSIU). IJLT is the first and only law journal in India devoted exclusively to the law and technology interface. Previous issues have featured articles by distinguished authors such as the Hon. Mr. Justice Kirby, William Patry, Yochai Benkler, Donald S. Chisum, His Lordship Justice Mr. Muralidhar, Benjamin Edelman, Gavin Sutter, Raymond T. Nimmer, John Frow, Christoph Antons, Lawrence Liang and Shamnad Basheer. The journal is presently indexed on the Westlaw, HeinOnline, the Legal Information Institute of India and Manupatra databases. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: You can send your submissions dealing with any broad area of law and technology. They have previously carried submissions and invite submissions in the areas of:
- hard and soft intellectual property rights
- data protection
- cloud computing,
- pharmaceuticals and access to medicines,
- intermediary liability,
- privacy rights,
- free-speech and openness,
- telecommunications policy and regulation,
- media and entertainment law in the digital age,
- technology, innovation and competition
This list is merely illustrative and they are open to discuss other areas of interest as well. The journal encourages submissions with a developing country perspective or a comparative approach that benefits the developing world. WORD LIMIT: A submission may fall within any of the following categories:
- Articles (5,000-15,000 words)
- Short Articles (5,000 words); and
- Essays (3,000 words).
The above limits are exclusive of footnotes. They are also open to discussing potential submissions that are substantially longer or shorter. For further information, you can get in touch with them . However, please note that they do not accept unsolicited book reviews. FOOTNOTES: Any footnoting style may be adopted as long as it is internally consistent. PLAGIARISM: The journal accepts previously unpublished submissions. All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check. Deadlines: Although they accept submissions on a rolling basis, the first deadline for submissions will be December 15th, 2013. They may announce further deadlines on a necessity basis. Format of Submissions: Please send in your submissions in MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) or Open Office (*.odt) to editorialboard@ijlt.in with a copy marked to ijltedit@gmail.com along with the following information:
- Name
- Institution
- Position / Year of Study
- Author contact information
- An abstract of not more than 200 words
You can visit the website at this link- www.ijlt.in You can also contact them at editorialboard@ijlt.in for more information.